03 June 2024


With a matter of 12 days to go to the big event, Kay and I are stressing. There is still so much to organise for the wedding. Kay is at work, so cannot do much except in the rare spare time she gets and I try to help where I can, but fate keeps throwing us boulders which either crush us or we have to leap over to avoid, like in some warrior video game.

As I mentioned in my last post, the bridal dress was altered too tightly and we had to meet the seamstress, who was recommended by the bridal shop where we bought the dress,  to alter it yet again. As she lives some hundred miles away, it involved a very long drive on the motorway to reach her.  In my amateur dressmaking eyes, the simplest remedy was to unpick the side seams that had been sewn too tightly and re-sew them. There is both a lace outer layer and a silk inner lining. When we got there, the seamstress chattered non-stop (as she always does) and talked over us when we were talking (which she always does), so consequently she never listens and therefore always gets the task wrong. My daughter tried the dress on to show her the problem. The seamstress produced a pair of scissors and to our horror cut right through the centre lace layer from waist to bust, so that it could spread out across the bodice more and release the tight tension. She then proceeded to pin random lace offcuts she had to cover the rips she had made. We were speechless. I could see my daughter was close to tears but trying to control it. The seamstress babbled on and ignored any attempts by us to say we didnt like what she was doing. In the end we left the dress for her to sew where she had pinned and drove home, my daughter in floods of tears. The dress was literally in tatters and resembled nothing like the one we had paid £1800 to buy and an extra £400 to be tailor-adjusted by the so-called professional seamstress. We had a very sleepless night then rang the bridal shop the next morning to express our dismay. They were just as horrified as us and promised to collect the dress from the seamstress in two days and to ensure she sorted out the problem. We went for another fitting on Friday at the bridal shop and were relieved that the dress is 95% improved on what we last saw, although we  still can see where it is not perfect. To procure a replacement dress in the few days we have left is not practically possible, as it takes months to order, so we have to "make do and mend". Fortunately the bridal shop were so understanding, they have refunded us the £400 which presumably they in turn will enforce a refund from the seamstress,

As if that is not enough, our local council has decided to chose June to build a mini roundabout and zebra crossings just round the corner from me with 4-way traffic lights which will seriously impede traffic flow along the route our wedding party will use to get from the church to the reception. Work started today and finishes in September!! I can see that people will end up being delayed and missing the wedding meal!

Furthermore the weather forecast is still unpredictable and looks like it might rain on the day. Is there anything else that fate wants to throw at us?

Also, in changing Tasker Dunham's location, I have just managed to delete the "blogs I follow" widget, so if you know I followed you in the past, but your blog no longer appears on my feed, then let me know by email.  Thanks!

Update: Problem solved, thanks to a website link called web archive. Just put into the URL box the following 


with your https:// or http:// blog URL added at the end and it should call up previous pages of your blog randomly archived. So  for example



Yorkshire Pudding said...

Oh dear! It sounds as though that seamstress should sew up her mouth and learn to listen! The run up to a wedding is usually an emotionally charged time but I expect that Kay's wedding day itself will be a beautiful occasion. In any case, who looks at the bride? Most guests just want to see what the bride's mother is wearing! Have you got a hat with ostrich feathers? My best wishes for a great day!

Tasker Dunham said...

Oh heck, on lots of levels.
First, sorry I am the cause of deleting your follow list. I needed to remove the custom domain to avoid becoming inaccessible when the sub runs out.
That is awful about the seamstress. I hope the shop stops using her. There must be a competent seamstress nearer, although that's no help to you now.
I'm amused by what YP says that they will all be looking at you. Does it help the stress, or increase it?

Will said...

"professional" seems to me to be about the last word that I would use for that seamstress (one of my aunts was a tailor/seamstress, and she would never have behaved like that). I hope that the bridal shop find someone more competent so that other brides don't have to suffer what you and Kay have been put through.

ADDY said...

Don't worry Tasker Dunham. I have found an amazing website that managed to get my old list back of blogs I follow and I have entered the recent ones on. It is called https://web.archive.org/web/20201001102724/https://BLANKBLANKBLANK. Replace BLANKBLANKBLANK with your blog URL and press enter and you can see what your blog looked like on certain days in the past selected by the archive. I was able to see names of blogs and call them up and add them back on to mt reading list.

Chris said...

Oh no what an awful thing to happen. My one and only daughter's wedding dress was bought with the presumption that mum, that was me, would alter it! I did but it took me a couple of weeks to get up the courage to take a seam ripper to it, I don't think I ever sewed something so carefully as that dress, but all was well and 32 years later they are still married and I still don't like him!