25 May 2024

Wedding preparations

With less than a month to the wedding of the year, things are getting very busy. There is so much to sort and arrange, I can now understand why some people turn to wedding organisers to do it all for them. Kay is doing most of the hard slog, between her 14-hour shifts at the hospital, so she is rather stressed. I help where I can, but have to leave decisions to her as it will be HER day and not mine. Weddings have changed a lot since I got married in 1976, so I am out of touch. 

The caterers are on stand-by. So are the florist, the make-up artist, the hairdresser, the photographer, the limousines, the entertainment, the vicar and the venue.  Kay is busy designing posters for seating plans, menus and order of events. I have my dress, hat, shoes, bag all resting quietly in the wardrobe. Sadly Kay's bridal dress is not finished. The seamstress who alters the shop version into a more fitted version has somewhat made a mess of the dress, first not taking it in by enough and then taking it in too much. We went to collect the dress last week to discover it was far too tight and the bodice did not look right, making lumps and bumps on her chest, where there should be no lumps and bumps. The bridal shop them told us the seamstress lives some hundred miles away and only comes up to London about once a month, so in a few days we have got to go down to a town half-way between us to get it sorted. All a bit nail-biting so close to the wedding date.

I have the Father of the Bride speech to edit. Another thing I wish Greg were alive to do, as it falls to me now. I am rubbish at public speaking, so am keen to get it right and not lose nerve. I've also got to walk her down the aisle, another role I never envisaged many moons ago. I wonder if we shall feel Greg's presence on the day - he will certainly be conspicuous by his absence.

Today is gloriously sunny and warm, but, knowing our luck, we'll get a tornado on the day. Who knows? Onwards and upwards.

from etsy.com



Tasker Dunham said...

The key to public speaking, from my experience as a lecturer who made every mistake possible, is to be comfortable with pauses. Allow several seconds silence between points. Choose a couple of friendly faces you know you can look at.

Lynne said...

Good advice from Tasker. I wish you the happiest of days when the day comes .