05 January 2025

New Year resolutions

I try not to make new year resolutions, as half the time I forget what I vowed to do and invariably most people break them by February anyway. However, I have been somewhat lacking in posting regularly and, while I don't have enough time or content to post every day like some, I do intend from now on to post once a week and probably on a Sunday when I have more free time. It remains to be seen, whether I can stick to that and produce 52 posts by this time next year!

At New Year, I always feel a bit strange. I posted about this back in 2013 and will repeat here what I said then....

I always see the new year as a looming cliff before me. Starting in January at the foot of the cliff, I climb upwards and ever higher, grabbing rocks and stumbling along,  making my way through all the annual anniversaries, birthdays and events during spring, summer and autumn to my own birthday in November.

This is then swiftly followed by Christmas, where I stand at the top of the cliff exulting in my success after the long slow climb, enjoying the lovely food and warmth that Christmas brings. Suddenly before you know it and before you can say "Last of the Christmas Leftovers", it is New Year's Eve again. Now I find myself on the very pinnacle of the cliff  (standing on tiptoe on a big rock admiring the amazing view, feeling exultant that the year has by and large been a success). The clock strikes midnight, the fireworks shoot into the sky and there is much hugging and celebrating. However I find myself projected within seconds into the 1st January at the bottom of the cliff once more, having to start the long slow climb yet again. Far from wanting to make resolutions and looking forward to the year ahead, I  am slightly annoyed that I have got to start all over again. Does New Year do this to you?


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I hope you are roped up and wearing crampons as you begin the fresh climb up the cliff-face. By the way, I have become a little fed up of calling you Addy or even worse ADDY so I have decided to rename you. From now on you will be Brenda which I am sure you will agree is a cool and sophisticated christian name.

DawnTreader said...

That sounds much like the story of Sisyphos in the Greek mythology, who was forced by the gods to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top (and having to start over, once again)... I'm not sure I ever saw it quite like that - but the first 2-3 months of a new year often do tend to feel rather tough, because of winter, and no more special holidays on the horizon until Easter.