08 April 2020

She is all I have

We are into our third week (or is it more? - it seems forever) of Coronavirus reality in the UK. Each day's television press conference and news seems to get worse and I can feel my anxiety levels rising. We know what it has been like in places like China, Italy and Spain. We know we are only a couple of weeks behind the last two in terms of the pandemic's progress, so we know what is still to come. The statistics roll off the experts' tongues as they stand at their podiums each day. It is difficult to keep those numbers in our heads, yet they seem dire enough whatever they are.

I have been a good girl and stayed inside as best I can.  With modern technology, isolation is not the ghastly thing it once might have been. People I have not spoken to in years are already phoning me, video-calling me and writing to me. I am taking part in online pilates classes, Gareth Malone's online Great British Choir and many more. I have been gardening, tidying cupboards, sorting through the jobs I keep putting off. I am already into my second week alone and it has been no big deal. Worse things happen in a proper war.

Although I am not yet 70, I am only a few months off that milestone and I am pretty sure the virus is not going to be able to tell whether I am 69 or 70 when it strikes. However, I do have an underlying health condition which might make me more vulnerable. I have sarcoidosis - a granulation of the lung tissue - in itself no great problem and I have only minor irritating symptoms for which I do not take any medication, so I must not grumble, but I have no idea how it would react if I caught the nasty coronavirus.  For that reason, I am being cautious and  Kay has given me strict instructions to stay at home at all costs. "You are all I have," she says tearfully, which is true, and she is all I have. For that reason, she moved out 10 days ago into hospital accommodation to protect me, as I explained in my last post, so she is coping with this on her own and so am I. 

She is all I have.  My anxiety is not helped by the fact that at the end of last week she was asked to transfer from her current ward to work in Intensive Care for the foreseeable future. That means she will be even more on the frontline than she ever was before. This wretched virus does not discriminate between old and young any more,  or between healthy and unhealthy. It seems it can strike anyone dead. Its transmission rates are incredible. I wonder if she is more at risk because she is exposed to it more? I wonder? Who really knows? I worry. 

She is all I have. She offered to do my shopping for me to stop me going out and did a massive big shop before she left 10 days ago. I am slowly getting through it, but will need more fresh stuff by the end of this week. She offered to do some more shopping and bring it home for me, dump it on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and drive off. However, I did not want to put her under any more pressure after an exhausting week of very long hours at work, as she is an hour's drive from here, so I tried to get an online delivery from my usual supermarket. I could not get a delivery slot for love nor money at any time over the next three weeks that they publish. On their website they urge you to ring a number if you consider you are in a vulnerable group and have not been contacted, so I tried - a good twenty times over several days - but lines were overloaded and a recorded voice told me to try later. Then the message was changed to one of asking you to register on gov.uk. They would check your eligibility with your GP and get back to you. I was sceptical, but was overjoyed several days ago to get the all-clear and plenty of choice of delivery slots - I now have one organised for Thursday. I feel relieved that I don't have to haul Kay back here to deliver it.

She is all I have.  People are being advised to stay home if at all possible. Except for essential shopping. Except to collect medicines. Except for some minimal exercise a walkable distance from home. Except for work, if they are key workers or cannot work from home. The result is that there have been many people who have abused this. On a local facebook group, there have been idiots who clearly have no intention of heeding the advice and are galavanting about the country visiting the beach, picnicking in parks and clearly not giving a f***.  Idiots, who think they are above the rest of us, maintain they are not doing any harm and can do what the hell they like. One man argued on social media with others in the community,  that he had the right to go out and buy a paintbrush if he considered it essential. He has bragged that he was off to Hastings for the day today and would buy a magnum of champagne if he so wished, as that too could be considered essential. Part of me wondered if he was just trying to rile the rest of the group, but another part of me has seen previous posts from this idiot and I think he was serious. He argues that he is avoiding contact with anyone, but doesn't seem to realise he may already be a carrier and everything he touches, might be touched by someone else following him.  It almost seems like there is a  (thankfully very small) part of the community who thinks this whole thing is a joke and a major irritation in their daily lives. If they could see the deaths my daughter is witnessing on a daily basis, they might think again.   Is it so much to expect people to stay inside for a few months and limit outings to the "essential" if it means they are not the indirect cause of someone else's death? People have given up far worse in wartime, having loved ones on the front, children evacuated, food shortages and living in air-raid shelters to name a few.  Am I to sacrifice the health and maybe even the life of my daughter, so these idiots can do what they damn like?

She is all I have. So please stay at home. We need to isolate ourselves, so that we can isolate the virus and halt its progress. The virus is otherwise having a whale of a time jumping from human to unsuspecting human to repopulate in the next person. If we all get it at once, there is no hope in hell we shall have enough medical capacity to cope with it and more people will die. What if one of those destined to die for lack of vital equipment was your loved one? What if you took an unnecessary car journey, had an accident and the ICU beds were too full to take you? My 28-year-old daughter is having to make decisions who lives and who dies. No human should have to make that decision yet alone one so young and tender. I hear the tension and exhaustion in her voice when I speak to her. If people refuse to observe the advice and courtesies for other human life, what kind of people are they? 

She is all I have. So please stay at home unless you need essentials or some minimal exercise close to home, adhering at all times to the two-metre distance from human contact.  End of.


Gerry said...

I feel for you. I hope your daughter remains safe and well. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Dear Addy, what a powerful and moving post. I so hope your daughter remains well. Your words should be read widely to let people know what it is like having a dear relative working in ICU
Best wishes, Debbie
PS I'm glad you finally got a delivery slot.

Furtheron said...

So touching. I pray you and Kay remain safe and well and are soon reunited.

Stay safe

Yorkshire Pudding said...

As "Anonymous" said - a powerful and moving post. At Christmas just gone none of us anticipated reading or writing such blogposts. I stayed home today and did some gardening but a late trip to Tesco Extra was concerning - several other customers and indeed staff members came into my two metre circle. Much safer to be walking along a country lane and down into the woods. Kudos and gratitude to Kay.

Linda said...

Beautifully written. Safe hugs to both of you during this crazy crazy time.

Jim Simmonds said...

Well said Addy and you must be so proud of Kay, as we are all so thankful for people like her putting themselves at risk to help others 👏. On the supplies issue most places in the UK now have support groups often organised on Facebook. These are there to help with shopping etc for anyone who needs it. I’m sure there must be something like it where you are and it may help you on a practical level. There are idiots out there as you point out but there are also many who do want to help. Don’t take any chances . Stay safe Addy. Jim x

Flowerpot said...

Oh Addy no wonder you're so worried, but Kay is an amazing daughter and we are all so grateful to people like her, saving so many lives. As Jim said, there are lots of local groups around on Facebook so hope someone can help you with your shopping. Thinking of you and stay safe, take care and keep well. Sending virtual hugs XX

AGuidingLife said...

you still both doing ok? Thinking about you.

I have managed to do everything online, including my mums shopping - I have found a few local companies that do veg boxes and the like. I haven't been into a shop since the end of March! I go out once a week for an outdoor run, I've found a particularly quiet time. I am running particularly quiet (traffic free) roads rather than my favourite beauty runs - I miss them but they do have people around, and more than there used to be before everyone was told to stay home. So I am staying away from them. I work from home. I am staying home. Promise.

BMW said...

I'm sitting outside in my back yard enjoying a glass of ice tea. My pantry and fridge are stuffed. I have been ordering delivery from the local grocery. Every day I send up a prayer of thanks. I also do not understand the mindsets of some people. Two of my friends are going nuts being shut-in. I am fortunate my son is living with me. It might be me going nutty if he wasn't. I don't think so. He is considered essential to the banking industry, so he's out nearly every day. When he arrives home, he goes through an entire process in the garage before he even opens the door. He does it to protect both of us. I've been a widow for 4 years and he is all I have. Bless you and your daughter. Thank her from an American stranger. Stay safe.