Alcohol dependency is a condition that over a million people deal with in the UK. In fact, the NHS estimates that 9% of men and 4% of women in the UK are dependent on alcohol. However most don’t seek help.
It's usually a good piece of advice that if somebody's drinking is causing a problem with others, then it is a sure sign they are an alcoholic. Far too often the drinker is in denial. What? I don't have a problem with drinking. I can control what I drink. I know how much I can safely have before I stop. I can still hold a job down without any problems. I provide for my family etc etc etc.
If truth be told, it is better to ask those around the drinker whether it is a problem. The wife/husband/partner, the kids, the work colleagues will all tell a different story. Angry outbursts, fights, hangovers, sickness, poor work quality, struggling to cope with what little money is left once the rest has been spent on drinking - that's what they see. Sometimes the families prefer to remain in denial too, as to admit their loved one is an alcoholic comes at a huge cost - which can involve separation, divorce, moving house, coping on reduced finances, kids going into care - situations which are all traumatic in their own right. Sometimes it is better to pretend everything is fine, until it is not and more than likely until it is too late.
The Priory Group (one of the many useful contacts listed on the top of my blog) is
a UK independent provider of alcohol rehabilitation
and support services and is committed to helping people overcome their
addiction to alcohol and start their journey towards recovery. Their
consultants treat people from all walks of life – often it is those you
least expect who are struggling. They have just launched a
campaign based on helping people to spot the signs of alcohol
addiction, should they be worried about a partner’s, friend’s or relative’s
drinking. This is the link to start their interactive web page. If you are worried about somebody else's drinking (or even your own), don't leave it too late to seek help. If the drinking continues unchecked, remind yourself in the PROGNOSIS tab at the top of my blog of the physical changes you can expect to happen. Your body is a temple, but there is only so much it can take, before irreversible damage sets in.

Sometimes it feels like so many of the people around me have a problem. I have no perspective because it causes me too much fear. When is it too much? How much is too much? It seems like so many people don't go a night without a couple. What is so wrong with just enjoying life as it is?
The trouble is - knowing someone who does have aprolbem - if they don't acknowledge it, there's not much you can do is there?
As someone who left it late, but very thankfully not too late, I endorse this.
Sadly many around me, family, friends, colleagues were simply helping to enable my continued drinking without really meaning to as I was one who held down a job, looked to be a pillar of the local community (School Governor etc.) so therefore couldn't possibly be "that bad"...
I once went through a drinking stage. Fortunately I recognised when I was overdoing it and stopped. It's so long ago that I can't remember what I or others went through, but thank the Lord something went right for me and I never looked back.
It's an interesting subject and one which affects a lo of lives. I can't drink. If I could, staff at the care home wouldn't allow me any alcohol. The wife doesn't drink to my knowledge. neither does the boy, a 25year-old..
Fortunately, since my student days, I have always drunk beer in moderation. We have a bottle of sauvignon blanc with Sunday dinner and I hardly ever touch whisky even though I have got half a dozen bottles in our cupboard. News came out yesterday that drinking in moderation can reduce the possibility of contracting Type 2 Diabetes so I guess I will have to keep up my moderate drinking habit. It's possible to have alcohol in one's life without it taking over.
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