01 April 2014

Mothers' Day and April Fools

I had to laugh at an article in today's newspaper about chickens laying square eggs. Of course it was an April Fools' Day item, but it reminded me so much of when Greg and I lived in Germany and he did a whole 30-minute April Fools' Day programme in 1978 for the radio station he was working for. In one of the items, I pretended to be a German farmer and spoke English in a very heavy Germanic accent while Greg interviewed me. I had found a way to grow square tomatoes that were so much easier to slice to fit in sandwiches. It was all we could do to keep a straight face while the item was being recorded for transmission. A cousin of Greg's was listening to the broadcast over in England when it was finally aired and actually believed it was for real.

I have just had a lovely weekend up north with Kay. I had gone up not just because it was Mothers' Day but because Kay was appearing in concert in the local choir. They sang with the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and one piece was particularly commissioned by them from a modern composer, so it was a World premiere of the piece. I was so proud to see her singing with such a prestigious ensemble. Here is the view from my seat!

The auditorium was more packed than this photos shows. I did not want to take pictures while the concert was in full swing, so just took them before everyone was seated. Kay's in the choir behind the orchestra.

On Mothers' Day Sunday itself, we took a trip to Knaresborough, a place I have heard so much about but have never visited I was pleasantly surprised. Such a picturesque village. It was a shame it was shrouded in mist the whole day and the sun did try its hardest to poke through, but never quite succeeded. Here's one of my favourites.....

I was out of breath by the time I climbed up here!


Furtheron said...

Square eggs and tomatoes - cool idea we should pursue that - much easier to fit between slices of bread!

Knaresborough - blimey blast from the past. I went there when I was 11 my last year of primary school and we went on a youth hostelling trip to Yorkshire and stayed near Knaresborough. I remember the name of it and that view is vaguely familiar... streuth that is exactly 40 years ago this Easter! A lifetime ago

Flowerpot said...

I love the idea of square tomatoes, Addy!!! The concert sounds wonderful, too.

Hippo said...

At least you made it all the way up there, I'd have tumbled back into the river before making it halfway!

AGuidingLife said...

I love that wonderful exhilaration when you stand on top of a hill out of breath looking down and realising that yes, you are still alive, the climb did not kill me as I had bemoaned before I started it!

Chris said...

Hi Addy, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

hyperCRYPTICal said...

For the sake of a perfect sandwich - square eggs and tomatoes - please make it so - or else! :o]

With regards to Kay - how proud you must have been! Love our children!

Kind regards.
Anna :o]

Ellen said...

What fun you two must have had performing that April's fool joke.

Glad you enjoyed a special Mother's Day weekend with Kay, the concert sounded very memorable. Best wishes x

mum of three said...

Hi - have only just discovered your blog - recommended to me by reluctant memsahib - have been reading through from the start - and reached the time when Greg died. I just wanted to say that although i'm finding it rather harrowing, and very truthfully written, it is helping me with going through a rather difficult time. thanks - will eventually get to 'modern day' and am sure will be posting you little comments. Just wanted to say i think you and your daughter must be pretty cool folk,

mum of three said...

Hi - have only just discovered your blog - recommended to me by reluctant memsahib - have been reading through from the start - and reached the time when Greg died. I just wanted to say that although i'm finding it rather harrowing, and very truthfully written, it is helping me with going through a rather difficult time. thanks - will eventually get to 'modern day' and am sure will be posting you little comments. Just wanted to say i think you and your daughter must be pretty cool folk,

Nota Bene said...

I love April Fools...and was so disappointed not to have fallen for anything this year...thought you might like this http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_6464820_grow-square-tomatoes.html

Anonymous said...

pretty nice blog, following :)