16 August 2013

Ninety years young

My gorgeous mum is 90 years old today.  She doesn't want to be and is clinging on to her 80s with all her might.

As an 18-month old child in 1925, she saw off double pneumonia and whooping cough , which she and her two sisters all caught at the same time.  It resulted in her younger and older sister dying within a few days of one another and it left Mum considerably weaker.

She saw off a poor childhood during the Depression,  often having nothing to eat for a meal except mashed potato.

She saw off the Germans during the Second World War, although ended up marrying one who was a refugee here. He conquered her heart while they worked together on the land (she as a Land Army Girl and he driving tractors).

She saw off a happy 54-year-old marriage, when my Dad bravely fought leukaemia and lost the battle.

She fought (and often lost) against the crippling pain of arthritis and scoliosis which has curved her spine beyond all recognition.

She has even recently fought and survived cracked ribs.

However, time waits for no man and, despite her not wanting to celebrate her ninetieth, because she does not feel old enough, I give you my gorgeous mum at ninety...........


hyperCRYPTICal said...

Your mum is gorgeous Addy. Wish her happy birthday from me please.
Anna :o]

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday to your mum Addy and I hope she has a wonderful day. (You must let me know her secret, how is she managing to cheat age and look twenty years younger. I'd love to know which beauty cream she uses.)

Elaine said...

Happy Birthday, Addy's Mum. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Nota Bene said...

If I look good at that age, I'll be happy. Mind you I don't look that good now...

Ingrid said...

A very happy birthday to your mom ! She looks great ! I really admire these women who are getting old and stay young at the same time. My friend's mother got an Ipad for her 90th birthday and is better then the two of us and another friend's mother did a roundtrip by bus through Jordan, Egypt, and Israel at the young age of 88 !!
I wish I could do like them !

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely photo! Happy 90th! Just three years younger than mum.

the veg artist said...

What a lovely photo! Happy Birthday Addy's Mum!!

Janine Bollée said...

Many Happy returns to this gorgeous lady.

Dianne said...

What a beautiful lady! Happy Birthday!

AGuidingLife said...

Yey happy birthday mrs addy senior.

Julie said...

Your mum is obviously fabulous, inside and out. Many happy returns to her x