02 July 2013

Wild at Heart (of London)

This mother and her cubs have been playing in my garden over the last few weeks. You would never guess you are in the heart of London. In fact, my niece who lives in the countryside of Lincolnshire saw her first fox ever when she visited me in London a few years ago.


elegancemaison said...

OMG I'm having such a weird Twighlight Zone day. For a moment I thought I must have put my own photo of an urban fox up on Blogger last night and forgotten about it.

And that is just after seeing an old photo of my son that one of his friends has just posted on FB. He is wearing a T-shirt his grandmother bought him two years ago. I have the pc he sent thanking her for it on the table beside my laptop as I'm using it as a bookmark.

OO-er and it's only midday.

(Your photo is great by the way!)

Nota Bene said...

They're lovely aren't they? By comparison, the mother and her cubs in our garden have dug a burrow under the newly planted bed, pretty much destroying all our hard work (well the gardener's at least)....

AGuidingLife said...

They are lovely to look at like that but when they are eating my rabbits, COGs chickens and generally sulking around the dustbins I'm thinking they look rather good on the front end of a pack of hounds ;)

nappy valley girl said...

I will never forget sitting outside at a bar in Brixton one hot summer night about 10 years ago, and a large fox simply sauntering by. They really are urban creatures. Out here in the US, raccoons are the equivalent - you'll often see one after dark roaming the suburban streets.

DD's Diary said...

We have a fox family too! The cubs are so delightful - until they start sticking their heads into bins .... your lawn is so beautifully mown, you put me to shame!