01 March 2010

Medical Bulletin

Buckingham Palace used to put up medical bulletins when one of the Royal Family was ill, so what is good enough for them.........

The doctors did an endoscopy on Greg on Friday morning and found the cause of the bleed .....a varices (varicose vein brought on by excess drinking) in the lower intestine. They have dealt with that (I assume in the absence of any doctors to talk to that they cauterised it) and his blood pressure is back to normal. They are also giving him sedatives to cope with alcohol withdrawal. However he has now somehow contracted pneumonia and is on an oxygen mask as well as antibiotics and can barely talk or breathe. I was phoned just after breakfast and given permission to visit him this morning, even though the hospital is closed to visitors because of the winter vomiting virus, because he is on the critical list. He is as weak as a kitten and has not even mentioned cigarettes or whisky.......yet. Give him time......


Anonymous said...

Hi Addy,

Sorry to hear Gregg is in such a bad way. I hope his health improves over the next few days. I don't suppose you are getting much rest, it must be a real strain. I wish you well and hope there is a positive outcome for you both.

All the best


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I too hope Greg begins to improve very soon and hope you are taking care of yourself. A x

Anonymous said...

Oh shit, I'm so sorry for missing your previous post. And I'm sorry to hear about Greg being so ill. But being in hospital is obviously the best place for him.

I hope you are able to get some respite in the meantime.

CJ xx

Working Mum said...

Oh Addy, critical list must be very worrying for you. I hope his situation improves soon.

Unknown said...

Thinking of you my friend.

I know that you are torn between love and uncaring - but I believe the habit of love always wins out and your heart and mind are aching.

Here for you if you need me.

aims said...

Sorry - signed in as my brother David - it's really me in the previous comment.


Elaine Denning said...

I hope and pray that Greg's suffereing eases and that you have the strength to deal with all it entails. Big hugs, thinking of you. x

Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

Even though I know Greg has played a part in creating his ill health, I still cannot help but feel sorry for him. I do hope he will be off the critical list very soon. Take good care Addy♥

DogLover said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Addy. It must be a worrying time for you - fairly usual for you, I suppose.

That must have been some bleeding to have lowered Greg's blood pressure so much. It's great that it's been stopped - quite difficult to do, I imagine.

Best wishes

elsy said...

you must be beside yourself with worry addy....how did it come to this..........thinking of you, do you have someone to help you, i do hope so

Saz said...

just caught up with your fight....oh god how much worse can this get...l so reach out to you ...

breathe, keep a clear head...
saz x

Robert said...

You must be out of your mind with worry. I hope it doesn't last too long.

Best wishes!

pinafive said...

i've been following your blog for a long time, and finally got a blogger account. just commenting to wish you all the best, and hoping greg has a good outcome.

The Merry said...

I've been lurking on your blog for awhile now. I wish there were something useful I could write. Hoping and praying for you and your family.

Kit Courteney said...

Keeping everything crossed for a happy outcome. :0)

SMS said...

Hi.Such difficult times for everyone. I hope your daughter has all the support she needs too.

Almost American said...

Thanks for keeping us updated! It's good Greg is getting the care he needs. Make sure you take care of yourself too!

Furtheron said...

My prayers are with both of you.

I prey mostly that Greg finally gets the message and gives up his fight to carry on drinking.

You keep yourself well - at least you can have some form of physical rest from looking after him - let others do that for now.

Nota Bene said...

I too misssed the last post. You have, as ever, my suympathy and support. I hope it all works out.

grandmamargie said...

May God have His will in both your lives, and Kay's too.