22 September 2009

Empty Nest Syndrome

On Saturday I took Kay up to university.
The house is empty now - without her.
Void of her laughter, her clothes, her self.
It's horrible.


Elaine Denning said...

I know how awful it is, when they go.

It will pass, in time.

And then it's your time x

Nota Bene said...

Oh Rosiero...it must be. I suggest you take yourself off for a couple of days, and bugger the consequences

Ellen said...

You must be feeling dreadful right now, but so proud. To see Kay living her dream is a double-edged sword, and yet, I know that you wouldn't have it any other way. I hope that you will be able to arrange to do something that will make you happy - it's good to have something to look forward to... and it won't be long before Kay is on the phone telling you all about her latest adventures. Dx

mumplustwo said...

Oh I feel for you. My daughters are still very much at home (and right now, yelling 'when's dinner!?') ... can't begin to imagine what the emptiness must be like. But as Elaine says .... it will pass and then it's your time. How exciting. x

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

Start digging. Tom, Dick or Harry, whichever.

Anonymous said...

Just think of all the fun she'll be having. This will be a great adventure for her.

Eliza said...

Hugs- What more can i say!

Kit Courteney said...

Oh how awful, but how proud you must be of your daughter.

Is there a chance you could do as NB said and get away for a few days to have some 'you' time?

aims said...

It's time for Kay to live her dream. Let her go and keep her close in your heart.

Time now for you.

Almost American said...

I'm sure she is worrying about how you are doing. You have it harder than her right now - she has new friends to make, and lots to do. Definitely time for you to find something new to do too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rosiero,

Whenever my wife takes the kids away I love the peace. For an hour or so anyway and then I can't wait to have them back. It must be hard when they are at the stage of life stepping out into the world to make their own way. I hope, as already suggested, you can get away for some you time. It is something you need and fully deserve.

All the best


DogLover said...

Put some music on to fill the silence. Get out and meet with friends. Continue to be positive, as we know you always are!

Robert said...

Although I have 5 grown up "children", I've also got 2 little ones, so I've never had the empty nest syndrome.

However, I know, from chatting with my contemporaries, that to minimize your "loss" you must find something else to do. Something that you care about. A new raison d'ĂȘtre.

Good luck with the decision making. I know all about that! Change is so hard to contemplate...

Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

It will get better in time dear Rosiero {{{hugs}}} Linda xoxo

Flowerpot said...

Must be terrible for you. Take care - yes can you get away? Or take Snoopy and get out and see friends and actually enjoy yourself for once?

grandmamargie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you are having it so rough. Maybe a visit to your Mum might help? Hope it gets better soon.

Working Mum said...

Oh, Rosiero. I remember my mum saying when I left for Uni that no one had told her what it would be like. She focused so much on making sure I was ready, she forgot to prepare herself. The good news is, she soon looked forward to my letters and phone calls and we talked much more than ever because of the separation.