06 May 2009


I've had a sore throat and cough for the last two days. I've checked that am not sprouting a curly tail and I don't oink when I utter a few croaky words, so I think I am all right. Just a belated winter cold, then. But what with Alleyns school only four miles away in one direction and Kay informing me that a friend of a friend of a friend's brother's cousin has gone down with it at a school only two miles away in the other direction, this swine flu is kinda circling us. I'll keep you posted - if I survive the fever of government pamphlets coming through my letterbox!


nappy valley girl said...


Alleyns was the school that rejected Littleboy 1. Should I feel relieved?

Anonymous said...

It could be hay fever.

Fingers crossed you will be okay. Keep us posted and stop oinking!

CJ xx

aims said...

Just get better. That's it from me.

Oh - please.

Nota Bene said...

Good job you're blogging and not Twittering...you could have caught bird flu....

ADDY said...

@nappy valley - Yes, it is alleyn's loss not yours!
@crystal - I had not thought of hay fever, as I have never been a sufferer before. We have a lot of birch trees around us and there does seem to be more pollen than ever this year, so you might well be right.
@aims - thank you for your kind words. I shall be fit in no time!
@NB - haha, but I am swallow-ing a lot more because of my sore throat!!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Hope you are better now Rosiero. CJ could be right about the hay fever though. A x

DD's Diary said...

Are you only four miles away, Rosiero? How lovely! Hope you're soon feeling porkticularly well x

kestrel said...

Hello, the swine flu is worrying but we soldier on. It has not arrived in Malaysia yet, but it would be wishful thinking to feel we are safe. maybe for now. Hope you feel better soon.

Robert said...

I hope that you're feeling better by now.

Ellen said...

Hope you are feeling better. I have enjoyed catching up with your blog as seem to have been v busy lately. Belated Happy 60th to Greg I hope he realises what a lucky man he is to have you and Kay and good luck to Kay, as I am sure she must be taking her A levels very soon. You can all breath a big sigh when they are over. D

Flowerpot said...

you take care R and don't go out unless you have to!