Kay has had a rather elongated 21st birthday which has lasted nearly two weeks. It started on the actual day itself (14 July) when we celebrated quietly with my mother, going for an Italian meal and finishing off with seeing Les Miserables. Then a week later she celebrated in more flamboyant style with her uni and school friends (as also reported here). Yesterday was one last little celebration for just her and me - a special something to remember for all time for the both of us. I feel, in the absence of Greg, as if I have had to be both mother and father to Kay at this momentous stage of her life and wanted to make up for the lack of Greg in her life right now.
We went here.....
....and took afternoon tea at 5.30pm.

It was exquisite and well worth the money. Something we will both remember for a very long time.
Afterwards we waddled with glucose-laden tummies down Piccadilly, looked at the new Bomber Command memorial
and on past Buckingham Palace, where the usual policemen on the beat were carrying machine guns. All a bit menacing but meant to protect us in the run-up to the Olympics which open tomorrow.